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One-Shot LARPs

One-shot LARPs - as opposed to campaign LARPS, which have overarching storylines that carry over from session to session - are live-action games that are meant to be played through in one session of gameplay. This session may last a couple hours or a couple of days, but the story that the characters experience together begins and ends within one gaming session.

Lost & Found Studios, LLC currently offers two one-shot LARP experiences, Life on Regina, a futuristic space-western LARP inspired by the 2001 TV show, Firefly, and a hobbit/halfling-inspired LARP called A Long-Expected Gathering. Both LARPs are free-form LARPs, which means they have simplistic game mechanics. If you get intimidated by a lengthy rulebook or the long-term commitment of a campaign LARP, these may be the games for you!


NEW: You can now register for our 2025 session of A Long Expected Gathering by checking out our Events page!

Keep reading below to learn more about our one-shot sessions.

A Long-Expected Gathering

A Long-Expected Gathering Logo 1 - edit.png



A Long-Expected Gathering is a one-shot, freeform-style LARP inspired by the hobbits of Tolkein’s The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as the halfling race of Dungeons & Dragons and other fantasy role playing games. The story of this LARP takes place in a high fantasy world within a familial halfling community during a family gathering. Players will be assigned roles within the halfling Knothill family after RSVPing for the event and filling out the Family Ties survey. Players will then be free to design their own character to fill that role and attend the gathering in-character. Players are encouraged to bring whatever they feel will make the gathering a success, such as food, games, crafts, and/or music. This game will explore the motivations of individual characters, the relationships between these characters, and working towards a common goal as a family unit, touching upon themes of cooperation, teamwork, community building, and coming together to throw a good party. This is a good LARP for players who want a game that focuses on these themes and that prioritizes cooperative storytelling, roleplay, and a relaxed/friendly atmosphere. 


This year’s Long Expected Gathering will take place on Saturday, May 3rd as the Knothill Family Reunion. Please see our Events page to RSVP as pre-registration is required to play.


Below you can find our Design Document that more thoroughly explains the game’s goals and structure, our Player Guide which offers more information about registration and creating a character, the Knothill Family Tree to see which family roles have not yet been cast, and the Family Roles description document, for those who would prefer text relationship descriptions instead of the visual ones.

Knothill Family Tree.jpg
The Knothill Family Tree with Role Numbers, made by Kate Farley.

Family Role Assignments for 2025

All Family Roles are currently unassigned! Be the first to register by clicking here!

Life on Regina

Life on Regina

Life on Regina Title Image.png

Life on Regina is a one-shot, freeform-style LARP inspired by the 2001 futuristic space-western TV series Firefly. The game takes place within the Firefly universe on Regina, a terraformed planet located in the Georgia system of the Union of Allied Planets, in/near a small mining town, approximately 5 years after the end of the Unification War. This game is a good LARP for players who want an experience that explores unbalanced social power structures, multi-faction cooperation/conflict, espionage, medical ethics, survival, limited resources, and interpersonal relationships, within a gaming environment that prioritizes cooperative storytelling, player-versus-player based gaming, roleplay, and high levels of creativity/player freedom.


Life on Regina will take place over the course of a 10 hour event with 8 hours of immersive gameplay. The gameplay will include resource gathering, interpersonal conflict, intra/inter faction conflicts, NERF-blaster combat, healing, social currency exchange, and both individual and faction-focused goals. Players will design their own characters by selecting a class, and will then be assigned to a faction by the GM team after completing an online survey. Players will then be able to flesh out their characters and form relationships with other characters within their faction via Discord prior to the event date. 

There are currently no sessions of Life on Regina scheduled, but check back soon for updates!


For more information, you can download our Life on Regina Design Document and our Full Rulebook below:

A Long-Expected Gathering

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